

  • CAESAR: CArdiac Event Synchronising Analysator is a software package, designed for it's use in cardiology and cardiological practices. The system provides higher accuracy due to invention of special measurement technique based on temporal statistics and automated analysis, high flexibility rate, improved data quality due to minimisation of manual input, as well as higher effectiveness due to time saving for the finding.

    The patient related data such as sonograms and measured values are imported into the CAESAR software using DICOM format. Medical doctors are able to process and analyse the data independently from various manufacturers, direct on their working places.

    The software solution allows precise measurements of heart functionality in case of patients with atrial fibrillation.

    Key Features:
  • can work as a plugin to another PACS or CIS/HIS subsystem;
  • ECG analysis;
  • Multi-image synchronous measurements;
  • precise definition of cardiac evens;
  • improved estimation of volumes using VTI and Teicholz methods;
  • follows recommendations of American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) Committee;
  • flexible report generation, including images, charts, plots, tables and text.

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